
How to make a career change with no experience

Laura had a problem no one could understand – she was highly successful in her career with 10 years experience and a job people would kill for – doing production design for movie sets with Hollywood actors.

Believe it or not, it’s a real problem because she had lost her spark. She just wasn’t excited anymore about her job.

That and she was also tired of being a freelancer. The long hours and constant competition were wearing her out.

She had never had a full-time job. Never had benefits. She couldn’t even think about starting a family with her husband.

Fast-track to a new purpose with the Ideas to Clarity sequence

With Laura, we had to get clarity FAST. We did a deep dive into her goals and got clear on:

  • What she loved doing…
  • What she hated doing…
  • AND…how to rebrand herself for a complete career transition without going back to school or starting at entry-level.

It doesn’t take loads of time to find your purpose.

Laura had spent 5 years “stuck in a fog” as she put it, wondering what to do next.

Yet she was able to figure out her new career direction within just 10 days using the Ideas to Clarity sequence included in my program.

Making it happen: from dream to job offer.

After working together she landed a total DREAM JOB at a company aligned with her exact mission (women’s empowerment) that matched her skillset.

Now? She has full-time benefits, six months maternity leave and time to exercise before work AND make it to a movie date with her husband in the evening.

(Bonus: She’s even allowed her to bring her dog to the office.)

For her this was the perfect fit.

OH and I almost forgot – Laura just got the opportunity to go to the Bahamas with her new company. To work on an exciting project that’s aligned with her mission to promote women’s empowerment.

That’s the kind of opportunity you can get when have clarity on your mission, you know how to sell your skillset and your personal branding is 100% dialled in.

How to make a career change with no experience

Understand this: finding clarity is just one part of the career puzzle.

As soon as she figured out her purpose Laura was incredibly excited.

BUT also really worried because how on earth was she actually going to land this thing??

As soon as you figure out the WHAT, a whole new set of challenges unfold: How do I LAND that job? How do I position myself as the must-have, in-demand specialist they NEED?

Having the right answers to these questions is KEY if you want to be successful in your career change.

That’s what I want for you: to not only know how to figure out what you want, but to also be able to land it!

You need the personal branding expertise to help position you within the hidden job market like Laura did.

If you’re interested in knowing how you can do this too, click here to join the free Masterclass now.

If you have questions or need any kind of assistance, contact me by sending me a message, click here!


Connect with me :

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/dalia.lourenco/

Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/dalia.lourenco.33

Join the Facebook community : International Career Seekers


Dalia Lourenço is a career coach who helps her clients go from struggling to figure out their purpose to getting their dream job in as little as 8 weeks. She is a communications expert with more than a decade of experience in over 24 international roles across 10 countries.

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Dalia Lourenço is an international communications expert and career strategist for ambitious professionals.  She’s considered a “thought leader” in the world of career and personal development. In just a few months, she went from stuck in a rut to an international career on her terms with the United Nations. She’s helped professionals around the world launch and grow careers that bring them money, growth and purpose through her online videos and signature program, Accelerate Your Ambitions. Her clients are based around the world and many are in top positions within international organizations and companies as well as running their own businesses. Her mission is to liberate ambitious professionals from the status quo so they can land their dream opportunities and start using their unique talents to serve the world.
