How To Go With Your Gut
We’re faced with decisions every single day. Sometimes we’re hit with a big decision. To choose between 2 (or 3!) awesome job offers. To take an opportunity to move forward or stay where we are. To face the fear of uncertainty or stay in our comfort zones “just a little longer…”
One thing I’ve observed among professionals is that very few know how to “read their guts.” And to balance that with the logical solution. Both need to come together for the right decision.
When faced with those decisions of monumental proportions….
Most of us start calling up friends, family or our partners for help. Instead of looking inwardly for the answer, we feel better getting it from the outside.
We trust external advice more than we trust ourselves.
Adding to the problem:
Friends and family aren’t experts. On top of that, my clients are usually the most driven person they know.
That’s why I’ve stopped asking my family for career or investment advice (otherwise I’d still be living back in Ottawa, Canada, earning an average salary and trying to live frugally in order to “save up” instead of tripling my pay with an international job).
Your mom, dad, husband, wife, brothers, sisters and friends love you. They want to protect you. They want to keep you playing small. For those of us who want to accomplish things that no one in our families have done before….
We need to love them back. Look for our answers from within and from experts. Move forward. Then, when we are hitting our goals, they’ll be totally proud.